Multicompartment micelles can combine several chemical functionalities in close proximity and are therefore promising candidates for a new class of nanomaterials. In this study, we report a photocatalytically active multi-compartment micellar nanoreactor for visible light driven hydrogen evolution. The micellar nanoreactors are formed based on interpolyelectrolyte complexes (IPECs) of polydehydroalanine-based (PDha) graft copolymers with varying charge. Effects of the 3D confinement and the ratio of positive to negative charges, Z (±) of the graft copolymer micellar IPECs were also investigated in view of the resulting hydrogen evolution activity of our model system using Eosin Y and platinum nanoparticles as catalytically active components. We show that within a certain Z (±) regime stable micellar IPECs are formed and the hydrogen evolution activity can be tuned upon mixing the interpolyelectrolyte complexes with certain Z ratios ( Z (±) ).
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