Simulation-based analysis of a value stream as a contribution to sustainable production and logistics systems of SMEs

In crises, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are under more significant pressure than large companies. However, SMEs are more adaptable to changes caused by external influences. To leverage this strength, the focus is on increasing transparency, identifying bottlenecks in the material flow, and evaluating a defined target state of the material flow based on company-specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for sustainable production. Varieties of different methods are suitable for determining these KPIs. In this paper, a simulation-based analysis is performed to determine such indicators. For this purpose, an application example from practice illustrates these methods' applicability to increase the SMEs' adaptability to external influencing factors. First, a value stream analysis of the current state of the material flow is performed. Based on the results, suggestions for changes are given and implemented in a new optimized value stream. A simulation study compares the new value stream with the current one.


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