Inferring the equation of state with multi-messenger signals from binary neutron star mergers

The joint detection of the GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterparts was a milestone in multi-messenger astronomy. We investigate the observational constraints on the neutron star equation of state provided by multi-messenger data of binary neutron star mergers, analyzing the gravitational-wave transient GW170817 and its kilonova counterpart AT2017gfo and exploring new scenarios with next-generation gravitational-wave detectors. The LIGO-Virgo data of GW170817 are analyzed using different template models focusing on the implications for neutron star matter properties. We study the systematic tidal errors between current gravitational-wave models finding that waveform systematics dominate over statistical errors at signal-to-noise ratio ≳ 100. We study AT2017gfo using semi-analytical model showing that observational data favor multi-component anisotropic geometries to spherically symmetric profiles. By joining GW170817 and AT2017gfo information with the NICER measurements, we infer the neutron star equation of state constraining the radius of a 1.4M☉ neutron star to 12.39+0.70-0.65 km and the maximum mass MTOV to 2.08+0.16-0.09 M☉ (90% credible level). Finally, we explore future constraints on extreme-matter delivered by postmerger gravitational-waves from binary neutron star merger remnants. These transients can be detected with matched-filtering techniques and numerical-relativity-informed models for signal-to-noise ratios ≳ 7. Postmerger remnants can probe the high-density regimes of the nuclear equation of state, allowing the inference of the maximum neutron star mass MTOV with an accuracy of 12% (90% max credible level). Moreover, postmerger transients can be used to infer the presence of non-nucleonic matter phases through the inference of softening of the equation of state. For particular binary configurations, softening effects of the equation of state can lead to breaking of quasiuniversal properties and earlier collapse into black hole.


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