Topic : towards inclusive development in sub-saharan Africa? : focus on institutional quality

The Dissertation’s overarching goal is to offer an analytical tool for initiatives aimed at mainstreaming inclusive development in sub-Saharan Africa so that relevant theories, principles, key driving factors, and policy instruments of inclusive development are well comprehended. First, the dissertation focuses on compiling pertinent theories of inclusive development. It also tries to illustrate how social systems contribute to exclusion and the fragility of nations. Additionally, it empirically demonstrates the significance of certain driving factors of inclusive development. It also aims to provide some theoretical foundations for strengthening and expanding regional integration in Africa, to ensure inclusive decision-making at supra national level. Finally, seven policy domains are identified to mainstream the virtue of inclusiveness and its principles. i) Promoting “right-based” development approach, particularly those approaches that are endorsing on economic equity and social justice; ii) Focusing on the exclusionary role of hierarchical social structures and economic inequality as root causes of exclusion; iii) Capitalizing on the demographic dividend through inclusive labour market; iv) Effectively utilizing official development assistance (ODA); v) Promoting social protection programs; vi) Deepening and broadening African regional integration; and vii) Adapting the so-called social market economy development path.


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