We studied the nonlinear optical response of metallic amorphous composite layers in terms of a self-phase-modulated, third-order Kerr nonlinearity. A nonlinear effective medium theory was used to describe low densities of gold and iridium nanoparticles embedded in an equally nonlinear host material. The fill fraction strongly influences the effective nonlinear susceptibility of the materials, increasing it by orders of magnitude in the case of gold due to localized surface plasmonic resonances. The enhancement of the nonlinear strength in amorphous composites with respect to the bulk material has an upper limit in metallic composites as dominating absorption effects take over at higher fill factors. Both saturated and induced absorption in the thin films of amorphous composites were observed depending on the selected frequency and relative position to the resonant frequency of electron excitation in the metallic inclusions. We demonstrated the depths to which thin films are affected by nonlinear enhancement effects.