Mobile Assistenzsysteme in der Intralogistikplanung der Automobilindustrie – Gestaltung, Nutzen und Akzeptanz Augmented Reality-basierter Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen

Steigende Herausforderungen führen zu einem Wandel in der Automobilbranche. Die Kombination von Faktoren führt zu einem Anstieg der Komplexität in der Fahrzeugherstellung sowie des Produktionssystems. Die Intralogistik, ausgehend von der Komplexität der Automobilindustrie, steht ebenso Herausforderungen gegenüber. Eine Möglichkeit, um der Komplexität entgegen zu wirken, kann der Einsatz von innovativen Mensch-Maschine Schnittstellen in Form von mobilen Assistenzsystemen mit Augmented Reality sein. Im Bereich der Intralogistik, bezogen auf Augmented Reality, wird vermehrt die operative Intralogistik betrachtet. Obwohl auf dem Markt zahlreiche Technologien bestehen, existieren in der Intralogistikplanung keine flächendeckenden Anwendungen im Sinne eines mobilen Assistenzsystems mit Augmented Reality. Ausgehend davon wird in diesem Buch ein Use Case und darauf basierende Prototypen für eine Augmented Reality-basierte Intralogistikplanung in der Automobilindustrie entwickelt.

New challenges such as the increasing pressure to innovate and the growth of individual requirements from customers as well as the increasing internationalization lead to a radical change in the automotive industry. This and further aspects cause an increase of vehicle manufacturing and of the production system complexity. Within the automotive industry, the intralogistics is important. Based on the complexity of the automotive industry, intralogistics also faces certain challenges. To counteract the increasing complexity, an innovative tool to support the intralogistics planning is essential.
The usage of innovative human-machine interfaces as mobile assistance systems with augmented reality can be a possibility within intralogistics planning. The existing literature already contains many publications on Augmented Reality in general. Looking into the logistics domain, Augmented Reality is already quite frequently used for supporting operational logistics tasks, such as Augmented Reality-supported order picking. Whereas in the field of logistics planning, no comprehensive applications in terms of a mobile assistance system with augmented reality within a production hall can be identified. Based on this, this book presents a use case and prototypes for an augmented reality-based intralogistics planning within the automotive industry. The focus is the creation of a mobile assistance system supporting end-to-end augmented reality-based intralogistics planning in the assembly of the automotive industry.
In order to design the use case, a systematic literature analysis is carried out and existing intralogistics planning processes are analyzed with the aim of defining the relevant planning processes for the use of the mobile assistance system. Two prototypes are implemented based on functional and non-functional requirements. The prototype implementation is based on a SLAM-based as well as a hybrid tracking approach. Furthermore, a field experiment is conducted for the validation of the prototypes. Finally, the Technology Acceptance Model is empirically evaluated to determine the acceptance of augmented reality with regard to intralogistics planning.


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