It can be expected that medical treatments in the future will be individually tailored for each patient. Here we present a step towards personally addressed drug therapy. We consider multiple myeloma treatment with drugs: bortezomib and dexamethasone. It has been observed that these drugs are effective for some patients and do not help others. We describe a network of chemical oscillators that can help to differentiate between non-responsive and responsive patients. In our numerical simulations, we consider a network of 3 interacting oscillators described with the Oregonator model. The input information is the gene expression value for one of 15 genes measured for patients with multiple myeloma. The single-gene networks optimized on a training set containing outcomes of 239 therapies, 169 using bortezomib and 70 using dexamethasone, show up to 71% accuracy in differentiating between non-responsive and responsive patients. If the results of single-gene networks are combined into the concilium with the majority voting strategy, then the accuracy of predicting the patient’s response to the therapy increases to ∼ 85%.
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