Stationary, continuous, and sequential surface-enhanced raman scattering sensing based on the nanoscale and microscale polymer-metal composite sensor particles through microfluidics: a review

Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) is a label-free and accurate analytical technique for the detection of a broad range of various analytes such as, biomolecules, pesticides, petrochemicals, as well as, cellular and other biological systems. A key component for the SERS analysis is the substrate which is required to be equipped with plasmonic features of metal nanostructures that directly interact with light and targeted analytes. Either metal nanoparticles can be deposited on the solid support (glass or silicon) which is suitable for stationary SERS analysis or dispersed in the solution (freely moving nanoparticles). Besides these routinely utilizing SERS substrates, polymer-metal composite particles are promising for sustained SERS analysis where metal nanoparticles act as plasmon-active (hence SERS-active) components and polymer particles act as support to the metal nanoparticles. Composite sensor particles provide 3D interaction possibilities for analytes, suitable for stationary, continuous, and sequential analysis, and they are reusable/regenerated. Therefore, this review is focused on the experimental procedures for the development of multiscale, uniform, and reproducible composite sensor particles together with their application for SERS analysis. The microfluidic reaction technique is highly versatile in the production of uniform and size-tunable composite particles, as well as, for conducting SERS analysis.


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