The Central Nervous System (CNS) is the part of the nervous system including the brain and spinal cord. The CNS is so named because the brain integrates the received information and influences the activity of different sections of the bodies. The basic elements of this important organ are: neurons, synapses, and glias. Neuronal modeling approach and hardware realization design for the nervous system of the brain is an important issue in the case of reproducing the same biological neuronal behaviors. This work applies a quadratic-based modeling called Digital Spiking Silicon Neuron (DSSN) to propose a modified version of the neuronal model which is capable of imitating the basic behaviors of the original model. The proposed neuron is modeled based on the primary hyperbolic functions, which can be realized in high correlation state with the main model (original one). Really, if the high-cost terms of the original model, and its functions were removed, a low-error and high-performance (in case of frequency and speed-up) new model will be extracted compared to the original model. For testing and validating the new model in hardware state, Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA board has been considered and used. Hardware results show the high-degree of similarity between the original and proposed models (in terms of neuronal behaviors) and also higher frequency and low-cost condition have been achieved. The implementation results show that the overall saving is more than other papers and also the original model. Moreover, frequency of the proposed neuronal model is about 168 MHz, which is significantly higher than the original model frequency, 63 MHz.
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