Aminosäuren stellen einen universellen Grundbaustein zur Biosynthese einer Vielzahl strukturell diverser Naturstoffe dar. Während Megaenzyme wie nichtribosomale Peptidsynthetasen (NRPS) oligomere Produkte erzeugen, wird durch monomodulare NRPS-ähnliche Enzyme in der Regel die Homodimerisierung zweier Aminosäureabkömmlinge katalysiert. Monomere wie das Psilocybin werden über eigenständige Enzyme aus Aminosäuren synthetisiert. Die Isolation und Charakterisierung dieser Verbindungen stand im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit.
Amino acids represent universal building blocks in the biosynthesis of a variety of structurally diverse natural products. While mega-enzymes like non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS) produce oligomeric products, monomodular NRPS-like enzymes catalyze the homodimerization of two amino acid derivatives. Monomers like psilocybin are synthetized from amino acids by discrete enzymes. This work focused on the isolation and characterization of these compounds. The bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum is one of the ecologically and economically most important plant pathogens. For the first time, the lipodepsipeptide ralsolamycin was isolated from cultures of the bacterium, the structure was elucidated and the contribution to the virulence was assessed. The identification of the oligomere closed one of the last gaps in the secondary metabolome of R. solanacearum.