The influence of the local concavity on the functioning of bearing shell of high-rise construction

Areas with various defects and damages, which reduce carrying capacity, were examined in a study of metal chimneys. In this work, the influence of the local dimples on the function of metal chimneys was considered. Modeling tasks were completed in the software packages LIRA and ANSYS. Parameters were identified, which characterize the local dimples, and a numerical study of the influence of local dimples on the stress-strain state of shells of metal chimneys was conducted. A distribution field of circular and meridional tension was analyzed in a researched area. Zones of influence of dimples on the bearing cover of metal chimneys were investigated. The bearing capacities of high-rise structures with various dimple geometries and various cover parameters were determined with respect to specified areas of the trunk. Dependent relationships are represented graphically for the decrease in bearing capacity of a cover with respect to dimples. Diameter and thickness of covers of metal chimneys were constructed according to the resulting data.


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