Investigation by Computer Simulation - some aspect of transportation service reliability in urban public transport

Essence of service unreliability on account of irregularity has been given. The reasons of occurance of overcrowded vehicles have been listed. The factor of service unreliability on account of irregularity has been determined. It is probability of the event, that the passenger finds departing vehicle fully filled, i.e. when all places seating and standing are occupied or condition of the travel, which would be not acceptable for passenger. Large dispersion of headways (i.e. irregularity) increases probability of such situations. To calculate the mentioned factor, the computer simulation was used. Both, passenger arrivals and vehicle operation have been modelled as stochastic interacted processes. Distributions of headways and passenger arrivals have been fixed by statistical methods. The >maximal capacity< of a vehicle has been determined. The set of parameters values for simulation runs has been given. The transformed results of computer simulation are series of nomographs for determination of a factor value. They were prepared for many types of trams and city buses, but only one nomograph has been presented. Difficulties in verification of model were discussed. Recommendations for rational utilisation level of public transport means capacity in the condition of randomness of passenger arrivals and disturbances in vehicle operation have been proposed. The other possibilities of service unreliability have been mentioned. General conclusions have been given


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