Plausibility in Architectural Design - Software Support for the Architect-oriented Design of Colour Schemes for Interiors and Buildings

The approach discussed here is part of research into an overall concept for digital instruments which support the entire planning process and help in enabling planning decisions to be based upon clear reasoning and plausible arguments. Such specialist systems must take into account currently available technology, such as networked working patterns, object-orientation, building and product models as well as the working method of the planner. The paper describes a plausibility instrument for the formulation of colour scheme proposals for building interiors and elevations. With the help of intuitively usable light simulations, colour, material and spatial concepts can be assessed realistically. The software prototype “Coloured Architecture” is conceived as a professional extension to conventional design tools for the modelling of buildings. As such it can be used by the architect in the earliest design phases of the planning process as well as for colour implementation on location.


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