Modelling of a compliant Scott-Russel mechanism with small length flexural pivots

This paper takes into consideration the Scott-Russel mechanism (the isosceles slider–crank mechanism) and its compliant counterpart mechanism, being developed on the basis of the rigid-body mechanism. Various types of this compliant Scott-Russel mechanism with small length flexural pivots and various geometry parameters of these joints, as well as various rigidity ratios of the relative rigid and relative elastic sections of the mechanism, are researched. The aim of the paper is to suggest optimal parameters, as well as the motion range of this compliant mechanism, in order to obtain the minimal deviation (the minimal difference between the realized path of the "coupler" point and the exact straight line). Finally, the mobility of the developed compliant mechanism, that is, the limit positions of the links determined by the maximal bending stress value, is examined.


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