Vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt die Realisierung eines rotationsfreien stabilen Lagers für den Einsatz in einer Magnetschwebewaage, um neben dem thermogravimetrischen Signal auch eine Differenzthermoanalyse durchführen zu können. Die Differenzthermoanalyse kann durch die schwebende Lagerung der Probe in der Messzelle nicht konventionell über Thermoelemente durchgeführt werden. Daher soll auf eine pyrometrische Temperaturmessung zurückgegriffen werden. Dazu ist geplant – durch ein Sichtfenster in der Messzelle – die Temperatur der stabil rotationsfrei gelagerten Probe mittels Pyrometer zu bestimmen. Daraus ergeben sich bestimmte Anforderungen an die Lagerung der Probe, die einerseits eine stabile berührungsfreie Kraftübertragung und andererseits eine rotationsfreie Lagerung ermöglichen muss. Magnetlager mit einer gezahnten Gehäuseform und einer zusätzlichen permanentmagnetischen Erregung haben alle Anforderungen erfüllt.
The present dissertation realizes an irrotational solid bearing for the usage in a magnetic suspension balance in order to perform besides a differential thermal analysis the thermal gravimetric analysis also. The differential thermal analysis can not be executed with conventional thermocouples due to the levitation of the sample in the measuring cell. Therefore a temperature measurement with a pyrometer should be used. For that purpose the temperature of the stable irrotational suspended sample will be measured through an inspection glass in the measuring cell by pyrometry. Out of it specification on the bearing of the sample – which had to offer a stable contactless load transmission and an irrotational bearing also – resulted. For realization of this goal first some theoretical considerations occur. Therefore general possibilities for generate levitation will be settled. Afterwards the decision for suitable principles for the application in the magnetic suspension balance is possible. Also examinations about optimization of robustness will be done. After the definition of the requirements to a stable irrotational bearing, different possibilities for development for such a bearing will be opposed. Out of it suitable variations will be calculated, build and tested. In the computation analytical and FEM (Finite Element Method) models will be used. The testing of function takes places on a test station constructed for this application only. In this process magnetic bearing with a slotted body housing and an additional permanent magnetic excitation observe all requirements. These magnetic bearings can be used in the magnetic suspension balance without any changing in construction, are easy producible and cheap. By the usage of this new developed magnetic bearing, also the differential thermal analysis besides the thermal gravimetric analysis is practicable. This magnetic bearing beats the state of the art of such magnetic bearing in the magnetic suspension balance.